Friday, May 26, 2006
Thank You Mrs. Christie Blick's Class
Keep sending comments to the blog. I need to figure out what equipment to bring along with me for the trip and time is running out fast!
Mr. T.
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I think you should bring a camera, (you said the ship already had computers), and if Alaska has service then bring a cellphone to keep in touch with your wife and children!
i think that the camera is a very GOOD idea! ALso, if Alaska has cellphone service then you might want to bring a cell phone to keep in touch with your family and friends!
Dear Mr. T.,
I think that you shouldd bring your cell phone because you can access the internet and it is an easy thing to carry.
I think that you shouldd bring your cell phone because you can access the internet and it is an easy thing to carry.
I think you should bring a video camera and a cell shone or pager to tell your family and friends what your doing!
Dear Mr T.
I think you should wear very warm stuff I cant imagine how high the warter will be.
Have a good trip.
I think you should wear very warm stuff I cant imagine how high the warter will be.
Have a good trip.
Dear Mr. T.,
I think you should bring a camera too. You can send pictures from the computer in the ship.
I think you should bring a camera too. You can send pictures from the computer in the ship.
Hi! mr.Tanenbaum how are you doing ? I wiish i coud go on the trip with yo!!!!!! when yu talk about it you make it sound like fun don't worry it's a good thing i'll miss you when your gone remember your my favorite tecnolgy teacher [aka:computer teacher]
Maybe you should bring a charger and extra batteies for everything you bring. A camera, a portable DVD player and an i-pod.
Hey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Dad!!!!!!!!!!!Its Nicky the Dog I think you shuld bring Me,louie,skylier,Joey,Ryan 1,Ryan 2,
MishaJ,Jazzman,and Daisy The dogs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !And aslo a pitcher of...lemanade!!!!!!!!
MishaJ,Jazzman,and Daisy The dogs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !And aslo a pitcher of...lemanade!!!!!!!!
Maybe you should bring a laptop so you can log stuff in, like what you did that day, ate, saw,etc. Also you would want to bring an ipod or a CD player to listen to music when if you get bored. Also bring a camera to take picturs.
You should bring a blind fold and an alarm clock because we are used to going to sleep when it is dark out and waking up when is light out, and in Alaska, it will be day all the time. You should bring pictures of your children and a fishing rod.
I think that that was really nice of Mrs.Christie Blick's class! I hope you have fun on your trip! I would like to hear about the animals that you see, (like the whale in there picture!)
Dear Mr.T
I think you will have a great time in the Bearing Sea. What kind of clothing will you bring? Do you think you will have a blast?
I think you will have a great time in the Bearing Sea. What kind of clothing will you bring? Do you think you will have a blast?
Wow that is a nice picture you must be so excited to go it is probably going to be great there bring a camera and dont forget to not miss anything i cant wait to see the picturs that you take hope you enjoy going there byeeee!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Mr. T,
Hi how are things going We have many qusetions1- How is the food? Have you had to eat meat?
How high are the waves?
How was the midnight sun?
Can the sonars tell how deep the ocean is?
What are you using for safety devices?
have you gotten seasick?
How was your plane ride ? How long did it take to get there?
Have a good time be SAFE!!!
The KEA staff and students
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Hi how are things going We have many qusetions1- How is the food? Have you had to eat meat?
How high are the waves?
How was the midnight sun?
Can the sonars tell how deep the ocean is?
What are you using for safety devices?
have you gotten seasick?
How was your plane ride ? How long did it take to get there?
Have a good time be SAFE!!!
The KEA staff and students
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