Jacob Tanenbaum: Teacher At Sea

Monday, May 15, 2006


Starting To Pack

Today I started making a list of things to pack. What do you think I should bring? Use the links on this website to check the weather in Alaska and come by the computer lab with your suggestions. I need all the help I can get :)

Mr. T.

We hope you wear a coat!!
Have a great time on your trip. I have a question. How many icebergs will you see? Thank you.
Well, Mr. T. I hope you bring some anti-nausea medicine for the boat trip. Those waves look pretty high!

bring layers and layers of clothes
bring a snow coat,snow boots and i hope you wouldn't get sea sick or have a cold.

hi Mr T,
Hope you have a nice trip. pack a coat,jeans,sweaters and boot.
from gillian
Dear Mr.T

I hope you don't freeze to death.
I heard the auora borielus is one of the brightest thing in the night sky. make sure you don't get hit by a whale.

hi mr.t

its ryan i hope you have a good time. if i were you i would bring either a pocket knife or a regular knife. i would bring i pocket knife instead so you can put it in your pocket and bring it anywhere. you will probably have a lot of action and waves. especialy throughout the night it will be anoying. i hope you dont forget anything. if you do than you have a big problem. i would be very happy if i saw even pictures of your adventures. you deserve to have a safe trip. you are a great teacher.
dear mr .t,

Probally i can go on the website at home. hope to see u

from: kristie
hi mr t.
i hopr you have a great time in alaska! you shoul bring tons of warm clothes, and lots of food!take pictures of all the cool things. i have a question for you, how long will you be on the trip for?

i hope you have an EXCILENT time in Alaska!!! Can you tell me after how many fishes you saw and how BIG was the biggest fish you saw?thankyou!I hope you have a great trip!
i hope you have a great time in Alaska. Do you think you'r going to see those lights in the sky? I hope you do. And please take pictures
You should bring hot cocoa and warm cookies. You should bring coats, boots, jackets, and food.
Ms. Leavey's Class
Dear Mr.Tanenbaum,
this is kris in ms.o'briens class and i just wanted to say have a safe trip!! And stay warm! i know how cold it is because my uncle lives at the northern tip of Alaska and when i visit him in the winter i have like 3 layers on!
Good luck with your packing, Mr. Tanenbaum! What restrictions have you been given for your luggage?
What a wonderful adventure it will be!!!
Ms. Christie-Blick
Good luck on the trip!!!
Have Fun!!!

Don't forget a fuzzy hat
I hope you bring a rain coat, because it could get wet. I hope you have fun!

from, Maddie
Please take pictures of the northern lights.
Have a great time on your trip! Were a coat! I hope you have a safe trip. Please take pictures of the noprthern lights. I'm sure that it will be cool to see. Thank you.
WEAR A FUZZY HAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You should bring goggles so you don't get blinded by the snow.
Bring heavy pants and a lot of jackets and sweaters. Have a nice time!
If you see any baluga whales please take pictures and post them

Yo I hope that u dont get sik.
Wear a lot of coats

Dear Mr.T,
Take a big warm coat.Also bring Snow boots. Plaese get a flim or picture of the aurora

Hi this is your bestest student ever, Michael Bye
I think That you should bring all your winter clothes, and some hot cocoa to make (it sure looks cold there!!). You should also bring a video camera, and a camera.
Hi Mr.T

I think you should bring lot of layers and lots of snow gear.

Hey Mr.T,

I think that you should bring a heavy winter coat cause its cold up there in the Bearing Sea!!! Also brings layers of clothing too :) Have fun at your trip!! :)
Hi Mr.T you should bring alot of warm close.
Hey Mr.T i think you should bring some clothes and some candy for the trip because if you run out of food you can eat the candy also bring medicine becuasse you are mot likely to get seasick. Well TTYL!!
Hey Mr.T

Well i have NEVER been to the bearing sea. But i do know that i dose get cold up there!! :0... So bring a winter coat and some clothing!! :) ok, have fun on your trip!!! :)
Hey Mr.T I hope you have a fabulous time because you are a fabulous teacher. Anyway scince Alaska is very cold bring lots of warm clothes so you won't be so cold.
yooooo whats uppp Mr. T

Well I have never been to the baring sea soo I dont really know what to tell you!! Just bring a coat and boots to be warm!! :)
hey Mr.T,

I really don't know much about the baring sea. But i do know that it is very cold and that not much people live by that area.

Dear Mr.T,
I think you should pack a lot of extera cloths (just in case). Also I think you should pack a camera incase you see any whales or dolphins.
Mr.T you should bring lots of coats! It looks Very Cold out there.Also Bring ear muffs, A fuzzy hat, and lots of SOCKS!!! Hope you have a lot of fun! Take Cool Pictures!!!
hi bring a lot of sock it will get very cold at nightand if you are wearing the socks that you wear all day you will not be warm
Hi, I think you should bring layers of clothing to stay really warm. Like bring a coat swatshirt long sleeve t shirt and mittens and boots.

P.S Dont fall off the boat
I think you should bring warm clothing and a sleeping strap. Since your going to be rocking on a boat you could strap yourself to the bed so you won't shake or fall out.
Hello Mr.T,
I hope you have a great time on your trip. When will you be coming home. Hope you have fun and dont forget to write back.

Dear Mr.T
I cant belive that you are atually going to the bearing sea. You must be very exited. I will go on this website to ssee the pictures and read what you write. Keep us up dated!

Dear Mr.T,
You Should Pack the following,
1. Clothes that you dont mind to get dirty.
2.a Flash light just incase of an emergency or a Midnight snack!!:)
3.A Towel, Dont forget to dry up out in the see!
4. A coat dont get cold
5.anything for safety!!:)
You should probably bring some rope, a life jacket, and a floatie. You never know what can happen!
You should pack a camera to take lot's of pictures for us.
Hey Mr. T! I hope you have fun on your journey!!! I bey you'll have a lot of fun on your trip.

you should bring a book on polar animals to identify the animals you see.
Hey Mr. T,
Hope you have a great time on your trip! Make sure you have fun!
Dear Mr. T

I hope you have a really fun time on your trip. I think you should bring warm clothes so you don't freeze to death. Including, a heavy coat, gloves, hats, and snow boots. Will you find any sharks?

Sup Mr. T! Have fun in Alaska! You should pack warm clothes, a camera, and extra film. You should pack food like cheese, soda, and candy. You should also bring pictures of cows to make the ship look better. Also, bring video games and a T.V. for emtertainment. By the way, take pictures of fishies. They are awesome! And send me pictures of sharks eating things! Have fun!

Your weird student,
You should bring gloves, scarves, a heavy coat, a hat, ear muffs, boots, mittens, and warm pants.

Mrs. Narciso's Class
You should bring a waterproof camera, rope to hand hang on with, medicine in case someone get sick, food and gloves.

Mrs. Graham's Class
Get a camera and some sea-sickness pills and foul weather gear. I hope you stay nice and cozy in your blankets. Bring a clock and a teddy bear.

Mrs. Carmondy's Class
You should bring a jacket, food, boots, a scarf, mitttens, something to drink and a hat.

Mrs. Coughlin's Class
Dear Mr. Tanebaum,
I think you should bring a lot of heavy jackets, boots and pants that will keep you warm. I hope you have a great time!!!

I think you should bring heavy clothes so you dont get cold and several pairs of them so they dont get wet
I think you should bring heavy clothes so you dont get cold and several pairs of them so they dont get wet
Dear Mr,T

You should pack a camera, a video tape, a recording tape, and tools.

From, Danielle
Dear Mr. Tanenbaum,
I think you should bring a laptop, camera, and CD player. Have a good time!!!

I think you should pack a camera a video tape, recording tape and tools.

Dear Mr. Tanenbaum

Hi I think you should pack a coat, some food, camera.

Dear,Mr. Tanenbaum
I think you should bring a lot of cameras,labtops,CDplayers and a dvd players.

Have fun!
Mr.Tanenbaun bring medicine and alot of warm clothes. Hope you can have a fun and safe trip.
Be sure you bring a life jacket

Dear Mr.T,

You should bring a book in case you're bored. I think this will less likely to happen because you have many fish to sort.
were a life jacket


Can you send some pictures back of the fish. They sound awsome time. We'll miss you.

:) Evan (:
Don't get sea sick MR.T.

I think you should bring lots of food to eat. I have a question to ask you? When you get there, could you tell me how cold it is?



I think u should bring a pair of binoculars to see an amazing sights

Remember to pack layer of cloths, and a rain jacket to keep worm.
I thing you whaire lots of layers
I think you should have two jackets and other clothes.This is for Mr.T
To Mr T
I subjest you where about 5 layers of clothing and a rain coat.It might make you look fat but you will be warm and safe.
Hey! What have you packed so far? Did you bring your sweat pants and sweat shirts? I hope you have a great time!
hayy i hope you have so much fun and when you see animals plese post them on the web so that everyone in our school can see them

dear mr.t,

I hope you have tons of fun and take some pictures for your classes dont forget to write to us everyday.HAVE A GREAT TIME ON YOUR TRIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Mr.T I hope that u have a great trip. Have fun!!!! Remember to keep warm!!!! LOL :-)
Hi Mr.T,
I hope you have a great time in Alaska it sounds like you are going to have fun time in Alaka you are probaly going to see a lot of amazing things. Remember to bring a coat and warm clothes. Also bring your camera to capture all of the really cool things you are going to see.

Your Student,
Have a great time MrT.
Little Timmy
Have lots of fun and dont forget to bring lots of extra clothes will you be going fishing if you do brin g back a fish to show us or at least a picture of one hahaha. HAVE LOTS AND LOTSS AND LOTS OF FUN!!!!!!!!!! (-.-) :)

Mr T.
I hope u have a great trip. Remember to keep warm or else!!!!! LOL just kidding. Well enjoy it.

Hey! How are ya doin'? I just wanted to say goodbye, cause I'm not gonna see you next year, I'll be in the middle school! I hope I can see you again! Bye!

Your weird student,
Have a great safe trip post lots of pictures.
hey it is cj i hope you have a go trip
please have a safe journey

Dan F
dear mr.t hope you have a good trip

from mike
In case you didn't find them in the duffle bag, look closer and you'll see a bunch of hugs from Jassie, Misha, Nicky, Simon, and Annie! Have a wonderful adventure!
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