Purchasing Agent for McDonald's Restaurant 

McDonald's Restaurant purchases about 110,231,131 pounds of whitefish every year to use in their fillet of fish sandwiches.  Not all of the fish is Pollock.  They also use a whitefish called hoki.  McDonald's has to protect its sources.  They want the fishery to be responsibly managed, but must find a good source of of large amounts of cheap fish.  They need fisherman to be able to catch as much Pollock as possible.  Any change to the quota will drive the cost of the fish up and the restaurant will make less money.  At the same time, if the Pollock are over fished, it could effect the restaurant for years to come.  As a representative for McDonald's, you think the change to the quota should be far less than what NOAA recommends.  NOAA has suggested reducing the catch to between 600 and 800 thousand pounds.  You think even 800,000 will be an unnecessary hardship to the fisherman and to your business.



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