Hello World


Most computer programmers begin by creating a simple program that displays the words Hello World on the screen.  Here is how to do this with the KPL system. 

  1. Open the KPL program by choosing Start Menu, Program and Kids Programming Language.

  2. A window will open up with a new file ready for you to work on (if it does not display a new file, just choose New from the File menu). 

  3. Click on the + sign next to the words Method, Main()

  1. Type the words Print("Hello World") right under Method Main, just like you see below.  This tells the computer to print the words HELLO WORLD on the screen when the program runs.

  1. Click the Green Arrow at the top of the window you are in.  This will run your program.  When you are done, click the yellow arrow at the top of the running program to end when you are done.

That's it.  You have written your first program.  Easy, right?  Now lets moved on to the next step.  Here is Hello World with more features.